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    Unknown integration
    Queryavailable as
    You can use the INNER JOIN operator to combine data from two or more tables based on a common column or set of columns. Here's an example
    Retrieve all orders with customer and product details
    SELECT o.order_id, c.customer_name, p.product_name, o.order_date
    FROM orders AS o
    JOIN customers AS c ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id
    JOIN products AS p ON o.product_id = p.product_id
    Unknown integration
    Queryavailable as
    You can use the LEFT JOIN operator to include data from one table even if there is no corresponding data in another table.
    This is useful when you need to include all data from one table, even if there are missing values in another table. 
    -- Retrieve all customers and their orders (even if they haven't placed an order)
    SELECT c.customer_id, c.customer_name, o.order_id
    FROM customers AS c
    LEFT JOIN orders AS o ON c.customer_id = o.customer_id
    Unknown integration
    Queryavailable as
    -- Without aliases
    SELECT employees.employee_name, departments.department_name
    FROM employees
    JOIN departments ON employees.department_id = departments.department_id
    -- With aliases
    SELECT emp.employee_name, dept.department_name
    FROM employees AS emp
    JOIN departments AS dept ON emp.department_id = dept.department_id
    Unknown integration
    DataFrameavailable as
    -- Imagine youwould like to select 20 columns from a 23-column table.
    -- Instead of writing the following code:
    post. columnl , post. column2
    , post. column3
    , post. column4
    , post. column5
    • ••
    , post. column20
    posting as post
    -- Do this:
    post.* EXCEPT (post.column21, post.column22,post.column23)
    posting as post
    This query is taking long to finish...Consider adding a LIMIT clause or switching to Query mode to preview the result.