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RDocumentation: corrplot
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    Note that this notebook was automatically generated from an RDocumentation page. It depends on the package and the example code whether this code will run without errors. You may need to edit the code to make things work.

    if(!require('corrplot')) {
    M = cor(mtcars)
    ##  different color series
    ## COL2: Get diverging colors
    ## c('RdBu', 'BrBG', 'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'PuOr', 'RdYlBu')
    ## COL1: Get sequential colors
    ## c('Oranges', 'Purples', 'Reds', 'Blues', 'Greens', 'Greys', 'OrRd', 'YlOrRd', 'YlOrBr', 'YlGn')
    wb = c('white', 'black')
    par(ask = TRUE)
    ## different color scale and methods to display corr-matrix
    corrplot(M, method = 'number', col = 'black', cl.pos = 'n')
    corrplot(M, method = 'number')
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE')
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', addCoef.col = 'grey')
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE',  cl.length = 21, addCoef.col = 'grey')
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', col = COL2(n=10), addCoef.col = 'grey')
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', col = COL2('PiYG'))
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', col = COL2('PRGn'), addCoef.col = 'grey')
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', col = COL2('PuOr', 20), cl.length = 21, addCoef.col = 'grey')
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', col = COL2('PuOr', 10), addCoef.col = 'grey')
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', col = COL2('RdYlBu', 100))
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', col = COL2('RdYlBu', 10))
    corrplot(M, method = 'color', col = COL2(n=20), cl.length = 21, order = 'AOE',
             addCoef.col = 'grey')
    corrplot(M, method = 'square', col = COL2(n=200), order = 'AOE')
    corrplot(M, method = 'ellipse', col = COL2(n=200), order = 'AOE')
    corrplot(M, method = 'shade', col = COL2(n=20), order = 'AOE')
    corrplot(M, method = 'pie', order = 'AOE')
    ## col = wb
    corrplot(M, col = wb, order = 'AOE', outline = TRUE, cl.pos = 'n')
    ## like Chinese wiqi, suit for either on screen or white-black print.
    corrplot(M, col = wb, bg = 'gold2',  order = 'AOE', cl.pos = 'n')
    ## mixed methods: It's more efficient if using function 'corrplot.mixed'
    ## circle + ellipse
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', type = 'upper', tl.pos = 'd')
    corrplot(M, add = TRUE, type = 'lower', method = 'ellipse', order = 'AOE',
             diag = FALSE, tl.pos = 'n', cl.pos = 'n')
    ## circle + square
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', type = 'upper', tl.pos = 'd')
    corrplot(M, add = TRUE, type = 'lower', method = 'square', order = 'AOE',
             diag = FALSE, tl.pos = 'n', cl.pos = 'n')
    ## circle + colorful number
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', type = 'upper', tl.pos = 'd')
    corrplot(M, add = TRUE, type = 'lower', method = 'number', order = 'AOE',
             diag = FALSE, tl.pos = 'n', cl.pos = 'n')
    ## circle + black number
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', type = 'upper', tl.pos = 'tp')
    corrplot(M, add = TRUE, type = 'lower', method = 'number', order = 'AOE',
             col = 'black', diag = FALSE, tl.pos = 'n', cl.pos = 'n')
    ## order is hclust and draw rectangles
    corrplot(M, order = 'hclust')
    corrplot(M, order = 'hclust', addrect = 2)
    corrplot(M, order = 'hclust', addrect = 3, rect.col = 'red')
    corrplot(M, order = 'hclust', addrect = 4, rect.col = 'blue')
    corrplot(M, order = 'hclust', hclust.method = 'ward.D2', addrect = 4)
    ## visualize a  matrix in [0, 1]
    corrplot(abs(M), order = 'AOE', col.lim = c(0, 1))
    corrplot(abs(M), order = 'AOE', is.corr = FALSE,  col.lim = c(0, 1))
    # when is.corr=TRUE, col.lim only affect the color legend
    # If you change it, the color is still assigned on [-1, 1]
    corrplot(M/2, col.lim = c(-0.5, 0.5))
    # when is.corr=FALSE, col.lim is also used to assign colors
    # if the matrix have both positive and negative values
    # the matrix transformation keep every values positive and negative
    corrplot(M*2, is.corr = FALSE, col.lim = c(-2, 2))
    corrplot(M*2, is.corr = FALSE, col.lim = c(-2, 2) * 2)
    corrplot(M*2, is.corr = FALSE, col.lim = c(-2, 2) * 4)
    ## 0.5~0.6
    corrplot(abs(M)/10+0.5, col = COL1('Greens', 10))
    corrplot(abs(M)/10+0.5, is.corr = FALSE, col.lim = c(0.5, 0.6), col = COL1('YlGn', 10))
    ## visualize a  matrix in [-100, 100]
    ran = round(matrix(runif(225, -100, 100), 15))
    corrplot(ran, is.corr = FALSE)
    corrplot(ran, is.corr = FALSE, col.lim = c(-100, 100))
    ## visualize a matrix in [100, 300]
    ran2 = ran + 200
    # bad color, not suitable for a matrix in [100, 300]
    corrplot(ran2, is.corr = FALSE, col.lim = c(100, 300), col = COL2(, 100))
    # good color
    corrplot(ran2, is.corr = FALSE, col.lim = c(100, 300), col = COL1(, 100))
    ## text-labels and plot type
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', = 45)
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', = 60)
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', tl.pos = 'd', cl.pos = 'n')
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', diag = FALSE, tl.pos = 'd')
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', type = 'upper')
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', type = 'upper', diag = FALSE)
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', type = 'lower', cl.pos = 'b')
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', type = 'lower', cl.pos = 'b', diag = FALSE)
    #### color-legend
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', cl.ratio = 0.2, cl.align = 'l')
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', cl.ratio = 0.2, cl.align = 'c')
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', cl.ratio = 0.2, cl.align = 'r')
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', cl.pos = 'b')
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', cl.pos = 'b', tl.pos = 'd')
    corrplot(M, order = 'AOE', cl.pos = 'n')
    ## deal with missing Values
    M2 = M
    diag(M2) = NA
    corrplot(M2, na.label = 'o')
    corrplot(M2, na.label = 'NA')
    ##the input matrix is not square
    corrplot(M[1:8, ])
    corrplot(M[, 1:8])
    testRes = cor.mtest(mtcars, conf.level = 0.95)
    ## specialized the insignificant value according to the significant level
    corrplot(M, p.mat = testRes$p, sig.level = 0.05, order = 'hclust', addrect = 2)
    ## leave blank on no significant coefficient
    corrplot(M, p.mat = testRes$p, method = 'circle', type = 'lower', insig ='blank',
             addCoef.col ='black', number.cex = 0.8, order = 'AOE', diag = FALSE)
    ## add p-values on no significant coefficients
    corrplot(M, p.mat = testRes$p, insig = 'p-value')
    ## add all p-values
    corrplot(M, p.mat = testRes$p, insig = 'p-value', sig.level = -1)
    ## add significant level stars
    corrplot(M, p.mat = testRes$p, method = 'color', diag = FALSE, type = 'upper',
             sig.level = c(0.001, 0.01, 0.05), pch.cex = 0.9,
             insig = 'label_sig', pch.col = 'grey20', order = 'AOE')
    ## add significant level stars and cluster rectangles
    corrplot(M, p.mat = testRes$p, tl.pos = 'd', order = 'hclust', addrect = 2,
             insig = 'label_sig', sig.level = c(0.001, 0.01, 0.05),
             pch.cex = 0.9, pch.col = 'grey20')
    # Visualize confidence interval
    corrplot(M, lowCI = testRes$lowCI, uppCI = testRes$uppCI, order = 'hclust',
             tl.pos = 'd', rect.col = 'navy', plotC = 'rect', cl.pos = 'n')
    # Visualize confidence interval and cross the significant coefficients
    corrplot(M, p.mat = testRes$p, lowCI = testRes$lowCI, uppCI = testRes$uppCI,
             addrect = 3, rect.col = 'navy', plotC = 'rect', cl.pos = 'n')
    res1 = cor.mtest(mtcars, conf.level = 0.95)
    res2 = cor.mtest(mtcars, conf.level = 0.99)
    ## plot confidence interval(0.95), 'circle' method
    corrplot(M, low = res1$uppCI, upp = res1$uppCI,
             plotCI = 'circle', addg = 'grey20', cl.pos = 'n')
    corrplot(M, p.mat = res1$p, low = res1$lowCI, upp = res1$uppCI,
             plotCI = 'circle', addg = 'grey20', cl.pos = 'n')
    corrplot(M, low = res1$lowCI, upp = res1$uppCI,
             col = c('white', 'black'), bg = 'gold2', order = 'AOE',
             plotCI = 'circle', cl.pos = 'n', pch.col = 'red')
    corrplot(M, p.mat = res1$p, low = res1$lowCI, upp = res1$uppCI,
             col = c('white', 'black'), bg = 'gold2', order = 'AOE',
             plotCI = 'circle', cl.pos = 'n', pch.col = 'red')
    ## plot confidence interval(0.95), 'square' method
    corrplot(M, low = res1$lowCI, upp = res1$uppCI,
             col = c('white', 'black'), bg = 'gold2', order = 'AOE',
             plotCI = 'square', addg = NULL, cl.pos = 'n')
    corrplot(M, p.mat = res1$p, low = res1$lowCI, upp = res1$uppCI,
             col = c('white', 'black'), bg = 'gold2', order = 'AOE', pch.col = 'red',
             plotCI = 'square', addg = NULL, cl.pos = 'n')
    ## plot confidence interval0.95, 0.95, 0.99, 'rect' method
    corrplot(M, low = res1$lowCI, upp = res1$uppCI, order = 'hclust',
             rect.col = 'navy', plotCI = 'rect', cl.pos = 'n')
    corrplot(M, p.mat = res1$p, low = res1$lowCI, upp = res1$uppCI,
             order = 'hclust', pch.col = 'red', sig.level = 0.05, addrect = 3,
             rect.col = 'navy', plotCI = 'rect', cl.pos = 'n')
    corrplot(M, p.mat = res2$p, low = res2$lowCI, upp = res2$uppCI,
             order = 'hclust', pch.col = 'red', sig.level = 0.01, addrect = 3,
             rect.col = 'navy', plotCI = 'rect', cl.pos = 'n')
    ## an animation of changing confidence interval in different significance level
    ## begin.animaton
    par(ask = FALSE)
    for (i in seq(0.1, 0, -0.005)) {
      tmp = cor.mtest(mtcars, conf.level = 1 - i)
      corrplot(M, p.mat = tmp$p, low = tmp$lowCI, upp = tmp$uppCI, order = 'hclust',
               pch.col = 'red', sig.level = i, plotCI = 'rect', cl.pos = 'n',
               mar = c(0, 0, 1, 0),
               title = substitute(alpha == x,
                                  list(x = format(i, digits = 3, nsmall = 3))))
    ## end.animaton