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Course Notes: Introduction to SQL Server
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    SQL Server

    Course Notes

    • How to connect SQL cells to an integration to run a query.
    • How to connect your own integration.

    Note: For sample integrations you'll have read-only access. It's not possible to make any changes such as adding, deleting, or modifying the data (e.g., creating tables, views, etc.).

    Part 1 - SELECTion Box

    • TOP() Used to limit the number of rows returned. If we include PERCENT clause we are going to retrive the percent number declared on TOP clause
    • DISTINCT Return unique rows
    • ORDER BY By default, this clause is going to take the "ascending order". If you want the "descending order", you have to include DESC clause.
    • WHERE Here are some operatos and keywords commonly used on WHERE clause,
      • <,>,>=,<=,<>
      • AND, OR, and the parentheses ()
    • ORDER BY going to take the "ascending order". If you want the "descending order", you have to include DESC clause.


    SELECT TOP(5) artist FROM artist; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT TOP(5) PERCENT artist /*Return top 5% of rows*/ FROM artist; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT DISTINCT artist FROM artist; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT TOP(10) product_id, year_intro FROM products ORDER BY year_intro DESC, product_id; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT song, artist, release_year FROM songlist WHERE artist = 'Green Day' AND (release_year = 1994 OR release_year > 2000); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT song, artist, release_year FROM songlist WHERE (artist = 'Green Day' AND release_year = 1994) OR (artist = 'Green Day' AND release_year > 2000); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT song, artist, release_year FROM songlist WHERE release_year IN (2000, 1994); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT song, artist, release_year FROM songlist WHERE song LIKE 'a%';

    Part 2 - Groups, strings, and counting things

    Aggregate functions

    • SUM() Calculate the total amount of a column value
    • COUNT() It's just to count, and can be combined with DISTINCT
    • MIN() Return the minimum value from a column
    • MAX() Obtain the maximum column value.
    • AVG() Return the average value of a column.

    Strings functions

    • LEN() Find the length of a text column (which means the number of characters, including spaces.
    • LEFT() If we want to extract a number of characters from the beginning of a string.
    • RIGHT() This function starts from the right hand side of the string and works back to extract the number of characters we specify.
    • CHARINDEX Helps us find a specific character within a string.
    • SUBSTRING To extract from the middle portion of a string, as opposed to from the LEFT or RIGHT edges.
    • REPLACE Finding and replacing text.

    Grouping and Having

    See the example code below where GROUP BY and HAVING were implemented. You have to use HAVING when you want to filter rows based on Aggregated Functions like SUM().

    --************************************************************************-- ### Aggregate functions ### --************************************************************************-- SELECT SUM(affected_customers) AS total_affected SUM(demand_lost_mw) AS total_loss FROM grid; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT COUNT(affected_customers) AS count_affected FROM grid; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT affected_customers) AS unique_count_affected FROM grid; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT MIN(affected_customers) AS min_affected_customers FROM grid WHERE affected_customers > 0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT MAX(affected_customers) AS max_affected_customers FROM grid; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT AVG (affected_customers) AS avg_affected_customers FROM grid; --************************************************************************-- ### Strings functions ### --************************************************************************-- SELECT description, LEN(description) AS description_length FROM grid; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT description, LEFT(description,20) AS first_20_left RIGHT(description,20) AS last_20 FROM grid; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT url, CHARINDEX ('_',url) AS char_location, SUBSTRING (url,12,12) AS char_location, REPLACE(url, '_', '-') AS replace_with_hyphen FROM courses; --************************************************************************-- ### Grouping and Having ### --************************************************************************-- SELECT SUM(demand_loss_mv) AS lost_demand, description, FROM grid WHERE description LIKE '%storm' AND demand_loss_mv IS NOT NULL GROUP BY description; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT SUM(demand_loss_mv) AS lost_demand, description, FROM grid WHERE description LIKE '%storm' AND demand_loss_mv IS NOT NULL GROUP BY description HAVING SUM(demand_loss_mv) > 1000; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Part 3 - Joining tables

    • UNION DonĀ“t return duplicated rows
    • UNION ALL It does all the rows, included the one that are duplicated
    --************************************************************************-- ### Joining Tables ### --************************************************************************-- SELECT album_id, title, album.artist_id, name AS artist_name FROM album INNER JOIN artist ON artist.artist_id = album.artist_id WHERE album.artist_id = 1; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT album_id, title, artist_id FROM album WHERE artist_id IN (1,3) UNION SELECT album_id, title, artist_id FROM album WHERE artist_id IN (1,4,5) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT affected_customers) AS unique_count_affected FROM grid; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT MIN(affected_customers) AS min_affected_customers FROM grid WHERE affected_customers > 0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT MAX(affected_customers) AS max_affected_customers FROM grid; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT AVG (affected_customers) AS avg_affected_customers FROM grid;