homework assignment
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    # Start coding here... 
    from array import *
    #Creating a function that calculates the sum of an array.
    def calculate_sum(arr):
        result = sum(arr)
        return result
    #Creating a function that finds the max and min number of an array.
    def find_max_min(arr):
        max_num = max(arr)
        min_num = min(arr)
        return max_num, min_num
    #Creating a function that finds the element wise sum of two arrays. 
    def element_wise_sum(arr1, arr2):
        if len(arr1) != len(arr2):
            raise ValueError("Arrays should have the same length.")
        result = array('i')
        for num in range(len(arr1)):
            result.append(arr1[num] + arr2[num])
        return result
    #Creating a function that removes any repeating integers.
    def remove_repeats(arr):
        convert = set(arr)
        array_convert = array('i', convert)
        return array_convert
    #Creating a function that sorts an array in ascending order.
    def ascending_order(arr):
        return sorted(arr)
    #Creating a function that checks to see if an array is non-decreasing.
    def non_decreasing(arr):
        for i in range(len(arr) - 1):
            if arr[i] > arr[i + 1]:
                return False
        return True
    #Creating a function that calculates the mean of an array.
    def calculate_mean(arr):
        total = sum(arr)
        mean = total / len(arr)
        return mean
    #Defining the arrays to be used in the functions.    
    array1 = array('i', [3,9,2,6,1,8,5])
    array2 = array('i', [4,2,9,5,1,6,8])
    array3 = array('i', [1,2,3,4,5])
    array4 = array('i', [5,4,3,2,1])
    array5 = array('i', [5,5,5,5,4])
    #Printing the functions with the arrays plugged in.
    print(f"Sum of array elements: {calculate_sum(array1)}")
    print(f"Max and Min values are: {find_max_min(array2)}")
    print(f"The elementwise sum of these two arrays are: {element_wise_sum(array3,array4)}")
    print(f"Here is your array with no duplicates: {remove_repeats(array5)}")
    print(f"This is the array in ascending order: {ascending_order(array2)}")
    print(f"Is the array in non-decreasing order? {non_decreasing(array2)}")
    print(f"The mean of the array is: {calculate_mean(array4)}")
    # Function to calculate the sum of all elements in an array
    def calculate_sum(arr):
        total_sum = 0
        for num in arr:
            total_sum += num
        return total_sum
    # Function to find the maximum and minimum values in an array
    def find_max_min(arr):
        max_value = min_value = arr[0]
        for num in arr[1:]:
            if num > max_value:
                max_value = num
            if num < min_value:
                min_value = num
        return max_value, min_value
    # Function to calculate the element-wise sum of two arrays with the same length
    def calculate_elementwise_sum(arr1, arr2):
        result = []
        for i in range(len(arr1)):
            result.append(arr1[i] + arr2[i])
        return result
    # Function to remove duplicate elements from an array, keeping only the unique elements
    def remove_duplicates(arr):
        result = []
        for num in arr:
            if num not in result:
        return result
    # Function to sort the elements in an array in ascending order
    def sort_array(arr):
        return sorted(arr)
    # Function to check if an array is sorted in non-descending order
    def is_sorted(arr):
        for i in range(1, len(arr)):
            if arr[i] < arr[i-1]:
                return False
        return True
    # Function to calculate the average (mean) of all elements in an array
    def calculate_average(arr):
        total_sum = 0
        for num in arr:
            total_sum += num
        average = total_sum / len(arr)
        return average
    def main():
        # Test cases
        arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        arr2 = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
        arr3 = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5]
        arr4 = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
        # Calculate sum
        sum_result = calculate_sum(arr1)
        print("Sum:", sum_result)
        # Find maximum and minimum
        max_value, min_value = find_max_min(arr1)
        print("Max value:", max_value)
        print("Min value:", min_value)
        # Calculate element-wise sum
        elementwise_sum = calculate_elementwise_sum(arr1, arr2)
        print("Element-wise sum:", elementwise_sum)
        # Remove duplicates
        unique_elements = remove_duplicates(arr3)
        print("Unique elements:", unique_elements)
        # Sort array
        sorted_array = sort_array(arr4)
        print("Sorted array:", sorted_array)
        # Check if array is sorted
        is_sorted_result = is_sorted(arr1)
        print("Is array sorted?", is_sorted_result)
        # Calculate average
        average = calculate_average(arr1)
        print("Average:", average)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    from array import *
    def calculate_sum():
        arr = array('i', [])
        x = int(input("Please enter the array size: "))
        print("Enter %d elements: " % x)
        for i in range(x):
            n = int(input())
        sum = 0
        for element in arr:
            sum += element
        print("The sum of all elements in the array is: ", sum)
    def find_max_min():
        arr = array('i', [])
        x = int(input("Please enter the array size: "))
        print("Enter %d elements: " % x)
        for i in range(x):
            n = int(input())
        max_value = arr[0]
        min_value = arr[0]
        for a in arr:
            if a > max_value:
                max_value = a
        print("The  maximum values in the array is: ",  max_value)
        for a in arr:
            if a < min_value:
                min_value = a
        print("The minimum values in the array is: ",  min_value)
    def calculate_elementwise_sum():
        arr1 = array('i', [])
        arr2 = array('i', [])
        x = int(input("Please enter the array size for both array: "))
        print("Enter %d elements in first array: " % x)
        for i in range(x):
            n = int(input())
        print("Enter %d elements in second array: " % x)
        for i in range(x):
            n = int(input())
        if len(arr1) != len(arr2):
            return None
        result = []
        for i in range(len(arr1)):
            result.append(arr1[i] + arr2[i])
        print("The element-wise sum of both array are: ", result)
    def remove_duplicates(arr):
        unique_elements = set()
        result = []
        for num in arr:
            if num not in unique_elements:
        return result
    # Test the function with different input arrays
    array1 = [3, 9, 2, 6, 1, 8, 5, 4, 2, 9, 5, 1, 6, 8]
    print("Duplicates remove: ", remove_duplicates(array1))
    def sort_array():
        arr = array('i', [])
        x = int(input("Please enter the array size: "))
        print("Enter %d elements: " % x)
        for i in range(x):
            n = int(input())
        print("The sorted array: ", sorted(arr))
    def is_sorted():
        arr = array('i', [])
        x = int(input("Please enter the array size: "))
        print("Enter %d elements: " % x)
        for i in range(x):
            n = int(input())
        for i in range(1, len(arr)):
            if arr[i] < arr[i-1]:
                return False
        return True
    # Check if the array is sorted
    if is_sorted():
        print("The array is sorted in non-decreasing order.")
        print("The array is not sorted in non-decreasing order.")
    def calculate_average():
        arr = array('i', [])
        x = int(input("Please enter the array size: "))
        print("Enter %d elements: " % x)
        for i in range(x):
            n = int(input())
        if not arr:
            return None
        total = 0
        for num in arr:
            total += num
        average = total / len(arr)
        print("The average (mean) of all the elements in the array is: ", average)
    import array
    # Test cases.
    array1 = array.array("i", [3, 9, 2, 6, 1, 8, 5])
    array2 = array.array("i", [4, 2, 9, 5, 1, 6, 8])
    array3 = array.array("i", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    array4 = array.array("i", [5, 4, 3, 2, 1])
    """ 1. This function accepts an array of integers and returns the sum of the elements."""
    def sum_of_arr(int_arr):
        return f"The sum is {sum(int_arr)}"
    """2. This function accepts an array of integers and returns the maximum and minimum values of the elements."""
    def min_max_of_arr(int_arr):
        return f"The minimum value is {min(int_arr)} and the maximum value is {max(int_arr)}"
    """3. This function accepts 2 arrays of integers of equal length and returns their element-wise sum."""
    def element_wise_sum_of_arr(int_arr1, int_arr2):
        # Array to hold the values of the element-wise sums.
        sum_arr = array.array("i", [])
        # Get the index and value for each element of arr1.
        for i, v in enumerate(int_arr1):
            # Add the value of the current element of arr1 to the value at the same index of arr2 and append to sum_arr.
            element_sum = v + int_arr2[i]
        return f"The element-wise sums are: {sum_arr}"
    print(element_wise_sum_of_arr(array1, array2))
    print(element_wise_sum_of_arr(array3, array4))
    """4. This function accepts an array of integers and removes all duplicate elements."""
    def remove_duplicates(int_arr):
        # Array to hold the unique values.
        duplicates_removed_arr = array.array("i", [])
        # Iterate through int_arr and if the element isn't in duplicate_removed_arr, add it.
        for num in int_arr:
            if num not in duplicates_removed_arr:
        return(f"The array with duplicates removed is: {duplicates_removed_arr}")
    """5. This function accepts an array of integers and sorts it in ascending order."""
    def sort_acsending(int_arr):
        return f"Sorted ascending: {sorted(int_arr)}"
    """6. This function accepts an array of integers and returns True if it is sorted in non-decreasing order."""
    def is_non_decreasing(int_arr):
        # Compare int_arr to the sorted int_arr.
        return f"This array is sorted in non-decreasing order: {int_arr.tolist() == sorted(int_arr.tolist())}"
    """7. This function accepts an array of integers and returns the average of the elements."""
    def average_of_arr(int_arr):
        arr_sum = sum(int_arr)
        average = arr_sum / len(int_arr)
        return f"The average is {round(average, 2)}"
    Automatically generated by Colaboratory.
    Original file is located at
    # Helper method to take an input array from user
    def take_array_input():
      input_array = []
      # take number of elements in array
      n = int(input("Number of elements in array: "))
      # iterating till the range( 0, n)
      for i in range(0, n):
        print("Enter element-{}: ".format(i+1))
        element = int(input())
        input_array.append(element) # adding the element
      return input_array
    """**1. Write a Python program that takes an array of integers as input and calculates the sum of all the elements in the array.**
    **Algorithm of calculating the sum of all the elements in the array:**
    1. Initialize a variable, sum = 0
    2. For each element in Array, do
        sum= sum + element
    3. Return sum as the total summation of given array.
    # find sumation of an integer array
    def find_sum(arr):
      sum = 0
      for element in arr:
        sum = sum + element
      return sum
    # Takes array input from user and calculate sum
    print('Enter an array')
    arr = take_array_input() 
    sum = find_sum(arr)
    print('Given array:', arr) 
    print('Sum of the given array:', sum)
    """**2. Write a Python program that takes an array of integers as input and finds the maximum and minimum values in the array.**
    **Algorithm of finding the maximum value in the array:**
    1. Initialize a variable, max = arr[0]
    2. For each element of array do
      if current_element > max;
        max = current_element,i
    3. return max as the maximum number of the given array.
    #Find max value of the array
    def find_max(arr):
      max = arr[0]
      for i in arr:
        if (i > max):
          max = i
      return max
    # Takes array input from user and finds maximum number
    print('Enter an array')
    arr = take_array_input()
    max = find_max(arr)
    print('Given array:', arr)
    print('Maximum value of the given array', max)
    """**Algorithm of finding the minimum value in the array:**
    1. Initialize a variable, 
          min = arr[0]
    2. For each element of array do if current_element, i < min;
      min = current element, i
    3. return min
    #Find min value of the array
    def find_min(arr):
      min = arr[0]
      for i in arr:
        if(i < min):
          min = i
      return min
    # Takes array input from user and finds minimum number
    print('Enter an array')
    arr = take_array_input()
    min = find_min(arr)
    print('Given array:', arr)
    print('Minimum value of given array:', min)
    """**3. Write a Python program that takes two arrays of integers as input and calculates their element-wise sum. The two arrays should have the same length.**
    **Algorithm of calculating the element-wise sum of the given two arrays.**
    1. Creare a new empty array, new_array
    2. for index from 0 to length of a given array
        - new_array.append = element at index of given array_A + element at index of given array_B
    3. Return new_array as the summation of the indexes of two arrays.
    # this methid calculates the element-wise sime of the two arrays of integers 
    def find_elementwiseSum(array_A, array_B):
      if(len(array_A) != len(array_B)):
        print('Give array should be in same size/length, try again')
      new_array = []
      for i in range (0, len(array_A)):
        new_array.append(array_A[i] + array_B[i])
      return new_array
    # Takes array input from user and calculate element-wise sum
    print('Enter first array')
    arr_A = take_array_input()
    print('Enter second array')
    arr_B = take_array_input()
    sum_of_array = find_elementwiseSum(arr_A, arr_B)
    print('Given first array:',arr_A )
    print('Given second array:', arr_B)
    print('Element wise sum of given two arrays:',sum_of_array)
    """**4. Write a Python program that takes an array of integers as input and removes all duplicate elements, keeping only the unique elements in the array.**
    **Algorithm of removing all duplicate elements in the array**
    1. Create a new empty array, new_array 
    2. for each element in given_array
        - if element not in new_array:
        - - add element to the new_array
    3. Return new_array as array with no duplicate element.
    # This method removes the duplication and makes the new array 
    def remove_duplicate(given_arr):
      new_array = []
      for element in given_arr:
        if element not in new_array:
      return new_array
    #Takes array input from user and remove duplicate elements
    print('Enter an array')
    arr = take_array_input()
    array_without_duplicate = remove_duplicate(arr)
    print('Given array:', arr)
    print('Array after removing duplicate:', array_without_duplicate)
    """**5. Write a Python program that takes an array of integers as input and sorts the elements in ascending order.**
    **Algorithm of sorting the elements in ascending order**
    1.   Take array of integer as given array
    2.   Call python builtin sort method
    3.   return the given array as sorted array
    # This method sorts the elements in ascending order
    def sort_array(array):
      return array
    # Takes array input from user and sorts the given array 
    print('Enter an array')
    arr = take_array_input()
    sorted_array = sort_array(arr)
    print('Given array:', arr)
    print('List in Ascending Order: ', sorted_array)
    """**6. Write a Python program that takes an array of integers as input and checks if the array is sorted in non-decreasing order.**
    **Algorithm of checking if the array is sorted in non-decreasing order.**
    1. For index from 0 to the length of given_array-1
        - if A[index] > A[index +1]
            - return False
    2. Then return True.
    # This method checks the sorted array in non-decreasing order
    def is_non_decreasing(A):
      for i in range(0, (len(A)-1)):
        if (A[i]) > (A[i+1]):
          return False
      return True
    # Takes array input from user and checkes wheather the given array is non decreasing or not
    print('Enter an array')
    arr = take_array_input()
    is_non_decreasing_order = is_non_decreasing(arr)
    print('Given array:', arr)
    print('Check if it is in non decreasing order:', is_non_decreasing_order)
    """**7. Write a Python program that takes an array of integers as input and calculates the average (mean) of all the elements in the array.**
    **Algorithm of calculating of the average(mean) of all the elements in the array.**
    1. Take an array input from user.
    2. Sum up all the elements of the array.
    3. Divide the sum by the length of the array.
    # This method finds the average of the array
    def find_average(A):
      sum = find_sum(A)
      return sum/len(A)
    # Takes array input from user and finds the average
    print('Enter an array')
    arr = take_array_input()
    average_array = find_average(arr)
    print('Given array:', arr)
    print('The average of the array is:', average_array )
    #imports array module
    import array
    #definines values
    arr_1 = array.array('i', [3, 9, 2, 6, 1, 8, 5])
    sum_array = sum(arr_1)
    #displays results
    print('The sum of the array is:', sum_array)
    #imports array module
    import array
    #defines values
    arr_1 = array.array('i', [4, 2, 9, 5, 1, 6, 8])
    max_number = arr_1[0]
    #method to calculate greatest number in the given array
    for num in arr_1:
      if num > max_number:
        max_number = num
    #displays the result
    print('The greatest number in the array is:', max_number)
    #imports array module
    import array
    #defines values
    arr_1 = array.array('i', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    arr_2 = array.array('i', [2, 4, 6, 8, 10])
    #formats arrays for easy viewing
    list_1 = arr_1.tolist()
    list_2 = arr_2.tolist()
    #displays starting arrays
    print('Array 1:', list_1)
    print('Array 2:', list_2)
    #calculates element-wise sum of the arrays
    ews = []
    for x in range(0, len(arr_1)):
      ews.append(arr_1[x] + arr_2[x])
    #displays the element-wise sum of the two arrays
    print('The element-wise sum of the two arrays is:', str(ews))
    #imports array module
    import array
    #defines values
    arr_1 = array.array('i', [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 5])
    #formats array for easy viewing
    list_1 = arr_1.tolist()
    #Displays base array and total number of elements
    print('Base array:', list_1)
    print('Total elements in array:', len(arr_1))
    #calculates unique elements
    unique_array = list(set(list_1))
    #displays unique elements
    print('Unique elements in array:', unique_array)
    #imports array module
    import array
    #defines value
    arr_1 = array.array('i', [8, 5, 3, 9, 7, 15, 11])
    #formats array for easy viewing
    list_1 = arr_1.tolist()
    #displays base array and total number of elements
    print('Base array:', list_1)
    print('Total elements in array:', len(arr_1))
    #sorts the array in assending order
    #displays the sorted array
    print('Array in assending order:', list_1)
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Automatically generated by Colaboratory.
    Original file is located at
    import array as array
    import numpy as np
    def arraySum():
      arr = array.array('i')
      userInput = input("Do you wish to make an array? Please enter Yes to continue or No to exit")
      while userInput == "Yes":
        arr.append(int(input("Enter one integer: ")))
        userInput = input("Do you wish to continue making an array? Please enter Yes to continue or No to exit: ")
        if userInput == "Yes":
      sum = 0 
      for i in range(len(arr)):
        sum = sum + arr[i]
      #using numpy library
      a = int(input("Enter the size of the array: " ))
      l = []
      for i in range(a):
        i = int(input("Enter the first element of the array: "))
    import array as array
    import numpy as np
    def maximumArray():
      arr = array.array('i')
      userInput = input("Do you wish to make an array? Please enter Yes to continue or No to exit")
      while userInput == "Yes":
        arr.append(int(input("Enter one integer: ")))
        userInput = input("Do you wish to continue making an array? Please enter Yes to continue or No to exit: ")
        if userInput == "Yes":
      max = arr[0]
      for i in range(1, len(arr)):
        if arr[i]>max:
          max = arr[i] 
      #using numpy library
      a = int(input("Enter the size of the array: " ))
      l = []
      for i in range(a):
        i = int(input("Enter the first element of the array: "))
    import array as array
    import numpy as np
    def minimumArray():
      arr = array.array('i')
      userInput = input("Do you wish to make an array? Please enter Yes to continue or No to exit")
      while userInput == "Yes":
        arr.append(int(input("Enter one integer: ")))
        userInput = input("Do you wish to continue making an array? Please enter Yes to continue or No to exit: ")
        if userInput == "Yes":
      min = arr[0]
      for i in range(1, len(arr)):
        if arr[i]<min:
          min = arr[i] 
      #using numpy library
      a = int(input("Enter the size of the array: " ))
      l = []
      for i in range(a):
        i = int(input("Enter the first element of the array: "))
    #Sum of two arrays
    import array as array
    import numpy as np
    def sumOfTwo():
      arr1 = array.array('i')
      userInput = input("Do you wish to make an array? Please enter Yes to continue or No to exit")
      while userInput == "Yes":
        arr1.append(int(input("Enter one integer: ")))
        userInput1 = input("Do you wish to continue making an array? Please enter Yes to continue or No to exit: ")
        if userInput1 == "Yes":
      arr2 = array.array('i')
      userInput2 = input("Do you wish to make a second array? Please enter Yes to continue or No to exit")
      while userInput2 == "Yes":
        arr2.append(int(input("Enter one integer: ")))
        userInput2 = input("Do you wish to continue making an array? Please enter Yes to continue or No to exit: ")
        if userInput2 == "Yes":
      sum1 = 0 
      for i in range(len(arr1)):
        sum1 = sum1 + arr1[i]
      sum2 = 0 
      for i in range(len(arr2)):
        sum2 = sum2 + arr2[i]
      print("The sum of your arrays is: ", sum1+sum2)
      #using numpy library
      a = int(input("Enter the size of arrays 1 & 2: " ))
      l = []
      m = []
      for i in range(a):
        i = int(input("Enter the element you wish of array 1: "))
      for i in range(a):
        j = int(input("Enter the element you wish of array 2: "))
      print(np.sum(arr1) + np.sum(arr2))
    import array as array
    def duplicateArray():
      arr = array.array('i')
      userInput = input("Do you wish to make an array? Please enter Yes to continue or No to exit")
      while userInput == "Yes":
        arr.append(int(input("Enter one integer: ")))
        userInput = input("Do you wish to continue making an array? Please enter Yes to continue or No to exit: ")
        if userInput == "Yes":
      final_arr = array.array('i', [])
      for i in range(len(arr)):
        for i in range(len(arr)):
          if final_arr[i] != arr [i]:
    import array as array
    #elements = int(input("Enter a list of integers seperated by spaces: "))
    arr = array.array('i')
    userInput = input("Do you wish to make an array? Please enter Yes to continue or No to exit")
    while userInput == "Yes":
      arr.append(int(input("Enter one integer: ")))
      userInput = input("Do you wish to continue making an array? Please enter Yes to continue or No to exit: ")
      if userInput == "Yes":
    x = len(arr)
    import numpy as np
    a = int(input("Enter the size of the array: " ))
    l = []
    for i in range(a):
      i = int(input("Enter the first element of the array: "))
    #sum of two arrays
    import numpy as np
    a = int(input("Enter the size of arrays 1 & 2: " ))
    l = []
    m = []
    for i in range(a):
      i = int(input("Enter the element you wish of array 1: "))
    for i in range(a):
      j = int(input("Enter the element you wish of array 2: "))
    print(np.sum(arr1) + np.sum(arr2))
    #duplicates and sorting in an array
    import numpy as np
    def duplicateSorting():
      a = int(input("Enter the size of the array: " ))
      l = []
      for i in range(a):
        i = int(input("Enter the first element of the array: "))
      sorted_array = np.sort(arr)
    #nondecreasing order NB THIS CODE COMPILES ONLY PARTLY NB
    import numpy as np
    def nonDecreasing():
      a = int(input("Enter the size of the array: " ))
      l = []
      for i in range(a):
        i = int(input("Enter the first element of the array: "))
      for i in range(a):
        if arr[i+1] > arr[i]:
    import numpy as np
    def average():
      a = int(input("Enter the size of the array: " ))
      l = []
      for i in range(a):
        i = int(input("Enter the first element of the array: "))
    import numpy as np
    #Fifth Question
    numbers = input("Enter a list of numbers separated by spaces and they'll be "
                    "sorted into ascending order: ").split(" ")
    #Convert strings to integers
    numbers = [int(num) for num in numbers]
    #Sort the numbers into ascending order
    #Convert the list into an array
    array_of_numbers = np.array(numbers)
    #Print the array