@AlexJonesPhD Jones/

Data-driven segmentation reveals three doctor profiles - with Bayes, Spectral Embedding, and K-Means

%pip install pymc
%pip install --upgrade xarray==2022.3.0
%pip install watermark

# Imports
import arviz as az
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pymc as pm
import seaborn as sns

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as st

from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_score
from sklearn.manifold import SpectralEmbedding
from sklearn.impute import KNNImputer
from statsmodels.distributions.empirical_distribution import ECDF

# Set style'fivethirtyeight')

Data-driven segmentation reveals three doctor profiles

Executive Summary

This report highlights a new, data-driven perspective on the customer base of the company. The historical approach of segmenting doctors by their region has been shown to be a poor predictor of their support or purchasing behaviour. The analysis describes here reveals three new segments of customers with distinct profiles that will inform product and marketing development alongside customer service needs.

The report focuses on three key questions:

  1. What is the composition of each region in terms of number of doctors and their average number of purchases?
  2. Is there a relationship between purchases and number of complaints?
  3. Can new segments be found, and what variables best describe these new segments if they exist?

Key Insights

  • The number of doctors in each area varies a lot, from one to 34, though on average there are around 10. The number of purchases also varies, from 13 to 129. There is no discernible pattern between these, and one small region has a very high purchase rate.
  • Given the data, there is a 75% probability that doctors who complain more, purchase more, though this effect is relatively small, with higher-than-average numbers of complaints being associated with just a 6% increase in purchases. The analysis suggests the effect could be as large as a 25% increase, or reduce purchases by 11%.
  • Segmentation analysis suggests there are three distinct groups of doctors, with a unique relationship to the company.

New doctor segments:

  1. Segment One - Doctors here have low experience with the company, lower rates of purchases, R and incidence rates, and give fewer complaints. They also treat fewer unique conditions, and have only average reported satisfaction. There are more general practitioner in this segment.
  2. Segment Two - Doctors here have high R rates, give more complaints, and have a high level of experience with the company. They make relatively fewer purchases and seem to treat fewer unique conditions. This segment, the largest in number, is diffuse in terms of its members and their rank and category.
  3. Segment Three. Doctors here make a lot of purchases and have high incidence rates, are relatively satisfied, and treat the most number of unique conditions. They make fewer complaints but have less experience with the company. They are comprised of a lot of Ambassadors.

Key recommendations

  • Abandon use of region as a predictor of doctor behaviour.
  • Acknowledge the association between purchases and complaints, and its uncertainty.
  • Label Segment One doctors as Inexperienced and Indifferent doctors. This segment would benefit from marketing and raising awareness of the company to on-board doctors and increase satisfaction.
  • Label Segment Two doctors as Experienced but Unhappy doctors. While these doctors have a longstanding relationship with the company, they have unaddressed needs and make many complaints. These would be a good audience for focus groups to understand their needs and increase satisfaction.
  • Label Segment Three doctors as Returning, Happy, and diverse doctors. These individuals are overall positive, treating a range of conditions, and make many purchases, but have less experience with the company. Further engagement with this audience will be important to retain them as a loyal set of customers.
  • Caveats: Despite a large dataset, doctors with matching observations across the range of tables were relatively few, with an effective sample size of 74 doctors. Statistical methods were used to help here but it is worth noting.

Doctor-by-region analysis

The main data sources here are split across four tables, which briefly comprise the following information:

  • doctors includes information on doctor category, rank, experience with the company, satisfaction, purchases, and incidence/rework rates.
  • orders illustrates the number of orders an individual doctor has placed.
  • complaints considers doctors and the number of complaints and complaint types they make.
  • instructions highlights whether a doctor has leaves specific instructions on the order.

There is missing data in the doctors dataset about satisfaction, which will be imputed after highlighting the doctor-by-region analysis.

# Read in data files
doctors = pd.read_csv('data/doctors.csv')            # doctor details
orders = pd.read_csv('data/orders.csv')              # order details
complaints = pd.read_csv('data/complaints.csv')      # complaint details
instructions = pd.read_csv('data/instructions.csv')  # instruction details (y/n)

# Aggregate the doctors dataset
query1 = (doctors
          .groupby(by='Region', as_index=False)
          .agg(number_of_doctors=('DoctorID', pd.Series.nunique),
               average_purchase_number=('Purchases', 'mean'))

# Plot
with sns.plotting_context('poster'):
    # Figure, axis
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(20, 10))
    # Scatter
    sns.scatterplot(data=query1, x='number_of_doctors', y='average_purchase_number', 
                    color='black', alpha=0.5, s=400, ax=ax)
    # Set labels
    ax.set(ylabel='Average Purchase Number', xlabel='Number of Doctors in Region')
    # Annotate some regions 
    ax.annotate('Region: 1 19 20\n1 doctor, 129 average purchases', (1, 129), (5, 110), arrowprops={'width': 1, 'color':'black', 'alpha':.5}, fontsize=15) # max purchases
    ax.annotate('Region: 1 13\n34 doctors, 10 average purchases', (34, 10.382), (25, 30), arrowprops={'width': 1, 'color':'black', 'alpha':.5}, fontsize=15) # max doctors

A brief glance at this chart highlights why region is a poor predictor of the number of purchases that can be made. Overall, there is no relationship between number of doctors and their average number of purchases across regions, aside from a large outlier.

Assessing the purchase ~ complaint association probabilistically

While there may be a simple association between purchases and complaints, the relationship may be driven by other variables (e.g. satisfaction). Using a combination of careful feature engineering and a Bayesian linear model, the influence of other variables in the dataset (see Technical Annexe for details) can be controlled, and the relationship between complaint number as a predictor of purchase number examined. Before modelling, 55 missing datapoints in the satisfaction variable were imputed, and a final sample of 74 doctors were analysed.

## Feature engineering
# Doctors cleaning
doctors_processed = (doctors
                     .assign(**pd.get_dummies(doctors[['Category', 'Rank']], drop_first=True))     # One hot encodes category and rank
                     .assign(Satisfaction=pd.to_numeric(doctors['Satisfaction'], errors='coerce')) # Fixes the string column of Satisfaction
                     .filter(regex='rate|Satisfaction|Experience|Purchases|Rank_|Category_')       # Select relevant variables

# Orders cleaning - calculate unique-condition-count - number of unique treatments
orders_processed = (orders
                    .set_index('DoctorID')               # Push doctor ID into index
                    .filter(regex='Condition [A-I]')     # Keep conditions A-I; J seems related to when devices are administered
                    .groupby('DoctorID')                 # Groupby Doctor as some doctors appear more than once
                    .apply(lambda x: x.sum(axis='rows')) # Take the sum across rows - each doctor then has a count of how many times they treat a condition
                    .gt(0)                               # where that is above zero, indicate true
                    .sum(axis='columns')                 # The sum of those booleans indicates a condition has been treated by this doctor
                    .to_frame('Unique Condition Index')

# Complaints - count the total number of complaints a given doctor gives, across complaint types
complaints_processed = (complaints
                        .agg(Complaints=('Qty', 'sum'))

# Merge the data and scale appropriately
z_score_these = ['Incidence rate', 'R rate', 'Satisfaction', 
                 'Experience', 'Complaints', 'Unique Condition Index']

# Merge the data together
df = (complaints_processed
      .join(doctors_processed, how='inner')
      .join(orders_processed, how='left')

# Impute the missing data in Satisfaction
imputed_data = KNNImputer(n_neighbors=4).fit_transform(df)

# Recreate a dataframe, scale necessary variables
df = pd.DataFrame(imputed_data, index=df.index, columns=df.columns).apply(lambda z: st.zscore(z) if in z_score_these else z)
# Test association using a PyMC negative binomial model
X = df.drop(columns='Purchases')
y = df['Purchases'].values

with pm.Model(coords={'coefs': X.columns}) as bayesian_negbinom_regression:
    # Define priors over intercept and all coefficients
    β0 = pm.Normal('β0', mu=0, sigma=1)
    β = pm.Normal('β', mu=0, sigma=1, dims='coefs')
    # Compute linear predictor
    λ = β0 +, β)
    # Take the exponent
    λ_exp = pm.Deterministic('λ_exp', pm.math.exp(λ))
    # Send to a Negative binomial likelihood which models the count of a variable
    α = pm.Exponential('nb', 0.01)
    pm.NegativeBinomial('likelihood', mu=λ_exp, alpha=α, observed=y)
    # Sample
    trace = pm.sample(2000, tune=2000, target_accept=.90, random_seed=42)
# Extract the posterior distribution of the "complaints" predictor
coef_trace = np.exp(trace['posterior'].sel(coefs='Complaints')['β'].values.flatten())

# Take its empirical cumulative distribution
ecdf = ECDF(coef_trace)([coef_trace]).ravel()

# and its survival function
esf = 1 - ecdf

# Build a kernel density estimate and its probability density function of the coefficient
density = st.gaussian_kde(coef_trace)
kde = density.pdf(coef_trace)

# Store as a df
traceplot = pd.DataFrame({'trace': coef_trace, 'density': kde, 'ecdf': ecdf, 'esf': esf}).round(3).sort_values(by='trace')

# Plot the trace
with sns.plotting_context('poster'):
    # Figure, axes
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 10))
    # Plot pdf
    ax.plot('trace', 'density', data=traceplot, lw=5, color='black')
    # Add a line of no effect, add mean
    ax.plot([1, 1], [0, density.pdf(1)], color='black', alpha=.5, linestyle='dashed')
    ax.set(xlim=(0.6, 1.6), yticks=[], xlabel='Rates of change in purchases\nwith increasing complaints')
    # Fill the ± regions in 
    ax.fill_between('trace', 'density', where=traceplot['trace'].lt(1).values, data=traceplot, alpha=.25)
    ax.fill_between('trace', 'density', where=traceplot['trace'].gt(1).values, data=traceplot, alpha=.25)
    # Annotate
    ax.annotate('Probability that increased\ncomplaints $reduce$ purchases: \n25%',
                (0.95, 1.3), (0.76, 2.25), arrowprops={'width': 1, 'color': 'black', 'alpha': .5},
                fontsize=13, horizontalalignment='center')
    ax.annotate('Probability that increased\ncomplaints $increase$ purchases: \n75%',
                (1.1, 1.3), (1.35, 2.25), arrowprops={'width': 1, 'color': 'black', 'alpha': .5},
                fontsize=13, horizontalalignment='center')
    ax.annotate('Probability that increased\ncomplaints $increase$ purchases\nby more than 20%:\n 0.07%',
                (1.21, 0.4), (1.43, 0.5), arrowprops={'width': 1, 'color': 'black', 'alpha': .5},
                fontsize=13, horizontalalignment='center')
    ax.annotate('Most likely change: $1.06$',
                (1.06, 4.5), (1.30, 4.5), arrowprops={'width': 1, 'color': 'black', 'alpha': .5},
                fontsize=18, horizontalalignment='center')

The plot illustrates the plausibility of different effects of increasing complaints on purchase rates. For example, the dashed vertical line on an effect of 1, which indicates no change in purchases as a result of increasing complaints, we can see that the probability the effect is bigger than this - that is, increasing complaints means increasing purchases - is 75%. Similarly, the probability is negative is 25%. The plot highlights clearly that the most likely rate of increase is 1.06, or 6%, but the rate is plausibly within the region of 0.89 to 1.25. From this we are able to infer the effect of increased complaints on purchases across a variety of contexts - just as an example, the probability that purchases increase by 20% with greater complaints is just 7%.

Customer segmentation - revealing three profiles

With the same dataset used above, machine learning techniques (see Technical Annexe for details) can uncover the latent structure in the data that can then be grouped together, revealing an optimal grouping of doctors. The below chart, also interactive, allows for the exploration of each segment and their distinct customer profile. Doctors were segmented using a two-feature representation of a wider feature space, specifically:

  • Number of complaints
  • Incidence and R rates
  • Satisfaction with company
  • Experience with company
  • Category; Specialist or GP
  • Rank; from Silver through to Titanium Plus
  • Unique Condition Index; a count, per doctor, of the number of unique conditions they treat.
# First scale the Qty measure
df = df.assign(Purchases=st.zscore(df['Purchases']))

# Use Spectral embedding to preserve local distances in a 2D representation
spectra = SpectralEmbedding(n_components=2, random_state=42).fit_transform(df)

# Use silhouette scoring to select K with K-means
sc = {}
for k in range(2, 10):
    # Fit KMeans
    km = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=42).fit(spectra)
    # Extra and score silhouette
    sc[k] = silhouette_score(spectra, km.labels_)

# Refit KMeans with the max silhouette score
best_K, best_sc = max(sc.items(), key=lambda y: y[-1])
final_k = KMeans(n_clusters=best_K, random_state=42).fit(spectra)

# Reveal dimension reduction and clusters in an interactive plot, with additional data on mouseover!
spectra_df = (pd.DataFrame(spectra, columns=['spec_1', 'spec_2'], index=df.index)
              .join(doctors[['DoctorID', 'Category', 'Rank', 'Region']].set_index('DoctorID'))

# Per group, take mean of continuous features, count of Category/Rank
average = ['Complaints', 'Incidence rate', 'R rate', 'Satisfaction', 'Experience', 'Purchases', 'Unique Condition Index']

# Groupby object, compute the means and counts of continuous and categorical features in each segment
base = spectra_df.groupby('Segment')
chart = (base.agg({x: 'mean' for x in average})
         .melt(id_vars='Segment', var_name='Attribute', value_name='Aggregate')
         .assign(prep=lambda x: np.where(x['Attribute'].isin(average), 'con', 'cat'))
# Illustrate cluster profiles
with sns.plotting_context('poster'):
    # Fig, axis
    fig, (continuous, categories) = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(20, 20), gridspec_kw={'wspace': 0.05, 'hspace': 0.15})
    # Iterate over and plot accordingly
    con, cat = chart.query('prep == "con"'), chart.query('prep == "cat"')
    # Color prop dict
    plot_profiles = {1: {'edgecolor': 'black', 'linewidth': 4, 'color': 'red', 'alpha': .7},
                     2: {'edgecolor': 'black', 'linewidth': 3, 'color': 'grey', 'alpha': .7},
                     3: {'edgecolor': 'black', 'linewidth': 4, 'color': 'orange', 'alpha': .8}
    # Plot continuous profiles
    for ax, (cl, seg) in zip(continuous, con.groupby('Segment')):
        # Bar plot with properties
        sns.barplot(data=seg, x='Aggregate', y='Attribute', ax=ax, **plot_profiles[cl])
        ax.axvline(0, color='black', alpha=1)
        # Clean up 
        if cl in [2, 3]: ax.set(yticks=[], ylabel='')
        ax.set(xlabel='') if cl != 2 else ax.set(xlabel='Aggregated Value')
    # Plot categorical profiles
    for ax, (cl, seg) in zip(categories, cat.groupby('Segment')):
        # Bar plot with properties
        sns.barplot(data=seg, x='Aggregate', y='Attribute', ax=ax, **plot_profiles[cl])
        # Clean up
        if cl in [2, 3]: ax.set(yticks=[], ylabel='') 
        ax.set(xlabel='') if cl != 2 else ax.set(xlabel='Count')
    # Specific cleanups
    continuous[1].set(xlim=(-0.3, 0.6), xticks=[-0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5])
    continuous[2].set(xticks=np.arange(-0.4, 1, 0.3))
    categories[2].set(xticks=np.arange(0, 25, 3))
    # Add titles
    seg_titles = {1: 'Segment 1\n$Inexperienced, indifferent$',
                  2: 'Segment 2\n$Experienced, unhappy$',
                  3: 'Segment 3\n$Returning, happy, diverse$'}
    for k, t in seg_titles.items():
# Segment profile
spectra_df['Segment'].value_counts(normalize=True).sort_index().round(2).to_frame('Proportion of sample').rename_axis(index='Segment Number')

The above plot highlights the distinct profile the three new segments have. These are described simply below:

  • Segment One. Doctors here have low experience with the company, lower rates of purchases, R and incidence rates, and give fewer complaints They also treat very few unique conditions, and have very average reported satisfaction. There are more general practitioners here, and some individuals at the higher ranks. This would be a great group to target for more positive engagement and on-boarding marketing materials.
  • Segment Two. Doctors here have high R rates, give more complaints, and have a high level of experience with the company. They make relatively fewer purchases and seem to treat fewer unique conditions. This segment, the largest in number, is diffuse in terms of its members and their rank and category. This set of doctors seem to be longstanding customers but are unhappy, and are making fewer purchases - a good target for focus groups to obtain detailed data on what is going wrong, and if this is perhaps related to the smaller number of conditions they treat.
  • Segment Three. Doctors here make a lot of purchases and have high incidence rates, are relatively satisfied, and treat the most number of unique conditions. They make fewer complaints but have less experience with the company. They are comprised of a lot of Ambassadors. This group appears to be a relatively content customer base, and its important they stay that way through understanding what the company is doing right.

A simple, memorable mapping could be:

  • Segment One: Inexperienced and indifferent doctors.
  • Segment Two: Experienced but unhappy doctors.
  • Segment Three: Returning, happy, and diverse doctors.

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