Introduction to Data Science in Python
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    Introduction to Data Science in Python

    Run the hidden code cell below to import the data used in this course.

    # Importing pandas and numpy
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    # Importing the course datasets
    frequencies = pd.read_csv("datasets/all_frequencies.csv")
    records = pd.read_csv("datasets/cell_phone_records.csv")
    credit = pd.read_csv("datasets/credit_records.csv")
    ransom = pd.read_csv("datasets/ransom.csv")
    gravel = pd.read_csv("datasets/shoe_gravel_sample.csv")

    seleting colum is very importatnt.

    I might need to watch one more time if I forget the concept.

    logical statement truth testing statement

    # Add your code snippets here