RDocumentation: ncvar_get
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    Note that this notebook was automatically generated from an RDocumentation page. It depends on the package and the example code whether this code will run without errors. You may need to edit the code to make things work.

    if(!require('ncdf4')) {
    if (FALSE) {
    # Start with the simplest example.  If the file only has one variable in it,
    # you can read the data as easily as this:
    nc <- nc_open("salinity.nc")
    # NOTE how not specifying varid reads the "only" var in the file
    data <- ncvar_get( nc )	
    # In this next example we read values from file "writevals.nc", which is created by
    # the R code in the example section for function "ncvar_put".  We open the
    # file with readunlim=FALSE for potentially faster access, and to illustrate
    # (below) how to read in the unlimited dimension values.
    nc <- nc_open( "writevals.nc", readunlim=FALSE )
    print(paste("The file has",nc$nvars,"variables"))
    # This illustrates how to read all the data from a variable
    v1 <- nc$var[[1]]
    data1 <- ncvar_get( nc, v1 )	# by default, reads ALL the data
    print(paste("Data for var ",v1$name,":",sep=""))
    # This shows how the shape of the read data is preserved
    v2 <- nc$var[[2]]
    data2 <- ncvar_get( nc, v2 )
    print(paste("Var 2 has name",v2$name,"and is of shape",dim(data2),
    	". Here are the values:"))
    # This illustrates how to read data one timestep at a time.  In this
    # example we will elaborately show how to deal with a variable whose
    # shape is completely unknown (i.e., how many dimensions, and what their
    # sizes are).  We will also, for illustration of a common case, show how
    # to read in the values of the time dimension at each timestep.
    v3      <- nc$var[[3]]
    varsize <- v3$varsize
    ndims   <- v3$ndims
    nt      <- varsize[ndims]  # Remember timelike dim is always the LAST dimension!
    for( i in 1:nt ) {
    	# Initialize start and count to read one timestep of the variable.
    	start <- rep(1,ndims)	# begin with start=(1,1,1,...,1)
    	start[ndims] <- i	# change to start=(1,1,1,...,i) to read timestep i
    	count <- varsize	# begin w/count=(nx,ny,nz,...,nt), reads entire var
    	count[ndims] <- 1	# change to count=(nx,ny,nz,...,1) to read 1 tstep
    	data3 <- ncvar_get( nc, v3, start=start, count=count )
    	# Now read in the value of the timelike dimension
    	timeval <- ncvar_get( nc, v3$dim[[ndims]]$name, start=i, count=1 )
    	print(paste("Data for variable",v3$name,"at timestep",i,
    		" (time value=",timeval,v3$dim[[ndims]]$units,"):"))