Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 2)
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    Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 2)

    Run the hidden code cell below to import the data used in this course.

    # Import the course packages
    import pandas as pd
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Import the course datasets 
    world_ind = pd.read_csv('datasets/world_ind_pop_data.csv')
    tweets = pd.read_csv('datasets/tweets.csv')

    Take Notes

    Add notes about the concepts you've learned and code cells with code you want to keep.

    Add your notes here

    # Add your code snippets here

    Explore Datasets

    Use the DataFrames imported in the first cell to explore the data and practice your skills!

    • Create a zip object containing the CountryName and CountryCode columns in world_ind. Unpack the resulting zip object and print the tuple values.
    • Use a list comprehension to extract the first 25 characters of the text column of the tweets DataFrame provided that the tweet is not a retweet (i.e., starts with "RT").
    • Create an iterable reader object so that you can use next() to read datasets/world_ind_pop_data.csv in chunks of 20.