Introduction to Statistics in R
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    Introduction to Statistics in R

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    Difference between descriptive and inferential statistics
    Median is always better than mean in skewed data
    Most data on left of histogram is left-skewed and vice-versa
    You can find the sd by taking sqrt of var -> sqrt(var(variable name))
    Code for looking at deciles 
    # Calculate the deciles of co2_emission
    quantile(food_consumption$co2_emission, probs = seq(0,1,0.1))
    producing more numbers makes the data harder to interpret on the fly
    Interquartile range, or IQR, is another way of measuring spread that's less influenced by outliers. IQR is also often used to find outliers. If a value is less than 
     or greater than 
    , it's considered an outlier. In fact, this is how the lengths of the whiskers in a ggplot2 box plot are calculated.
    refresh mutate function to create new dataset columns

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