RDocumentation: polarPlot
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    Note that this notebook was automatically generated from an RDocumentation page. It depends on the package and the example code whether this code will run without errors. You may need to edit the code to make things work.

    if(!require('openair')) {
    # load example data from package
    # basic plot
    polarPlot(mydata, pollutant = "nox")
    # polarPlots by year on same scale
    polarPlot(mydata, pollutant = "so2", type = "year", main = "polarPlot of so2")
    # set minimum number of bins to be used to see if pattern remains similar
    polarPlot(mydata, pollutant = "nox", min.bin = 3)
    # plot by day of the week
    polarPlot(mydata, pollutant = "pm10", type = "weekday")
    # show the 95\% confidence intervals in the surface fitting
    polarPlot(mydata, pollutant = "so2", uncertainty = TRUE)