Competition - XP Competition 2022
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  • Report
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    💪 Challenge

    Create a report to answer the principal's questions. Include:

    1. What are the top 5 countries with the highest internet use (by population share)?
    2. How many people had internet access in those countries in 2019?
    3. What are the top 5 countries with the highest internet use for each of the following regions: 'Africa Eastern and Southern', 'Africa Western and Central', 'Latin America & Caribbean', 'East Asia & Pacific', 'South Asia', 'North America', 'European Union'?
    4. Create a visualization for those five regions' internet usage over time.
    5. What are the 5 countries with the most internet users?
    6. What is the correlation between internet usage (population share) and broadband subscriptions for 2019?
    7. Summarize your findings.

    🧑‍⚖️ Judging criteria

    Response quality85%
    • Accuracy (30%) - The response must be representative of the original data and free from errors.
    • Clarity (25%) - The response must be easy to understand and clearly expressed.
    • Completeness (30%) - The response must be a full report that responds to the question posed.
    • How legible/understandable the response is.
    • How well-formatted the response is.
    • Spelling and grammar.

    In the event of a tie, earlier submission time will be used as a tie-breaker.

    📘 Rules

    To be eligible to win, you must:

    • Submit your response to this problem before the deadline.

    All responses must be submitted in English.

    Entrants must be:

    • 18+ years old.
    • Allowed to take part in a skill-based competition from their country.

    Entrants can not:

    • Be in a country currently sanctioned by the U.S. government.

    XP will be awarded at the end of the competition. Therefore competition XP will not count towards any daily prizes.

    ✅ Checklist before submitting your workspace

    • Rename your workspace to make it descriptive of your work. N.B., you should leave the notebook name as notebook.ipynb.
    • Remove redundant cells like the introduction to data science notebooks, so the workbook is focused on your story.
    • Check that all the cells run without error.
    import pandas as pd
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import seaborn as sns
    import numpy as np
    import as px
    people = pd.read_csv('data/people.csv')
    broadband = pd.read_csv('data/broadband.csv')
    internet = pd.read_csv('data/internet.csv')

    1. top 5 countries with the highest internet use (by population share)

    top_five = internet.query('Year == 2019')
    top_five = top_five.groupby('Entity')['Internet_Usage'].sum()
    top_five = top_five.sort_values(ascending=False).head(5)

    The top 5 countries with the highest internet use in 2019 (by population share) are: Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Denmark

    2. How many people had internet access in those countries in 2019

    countries_users_2019 = people[people['Entity'].isin(top_five.index)]
    countries_users_2019 = countries_users_2019 [(countries_users_2019 ['Year'] == 2019)].sort_values(ascending=False, by ='Users' )
    countries_users_2019 = countries_users_2019[['Year', 'Entity', 'Users' ]]

    People with internet access in 2019 in:

    United Arab Emirates 9 133 361,

    Denmark 5 682 653,

    Kuwait 4 420 795,

    Qatar 2 797 495,

    Bahrain 1 489 735

    3. top 5 countries with the highest internet use for each of the regions

    new = internet.dropna(axis=0, subset=('Code', ))
    new = new.query ('Entity != "World"')
    df1 = pd.read_html('', thousands=None, decimal=',')
    may = df1[2]
    may.rename (columns= {'ISO-alpha3 Code':'Code'}, inplace = True )
    countries = new.merge(may, how = "left")
    Africa Eastern and Southern
    aes = 'Eastern Africa', 'Southern Africa'
    aes1 = countries[countries['Region 1'].isin(aes)]
    aes1 = aes1.query('Year == 2017')
    top_five_aes = aes1.groupby('Entity')['Internet_Usage'].sum().sort_values(ascending=False).head(5)