RDocumentation: windRose
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    Note that this notebook was automatically generated from an RDocumentation page. It depends on the package and the example code whether this code will run without errors. You may need to edit the code to make things work.

    if(!require('openair')) {
    # load example data from package data(mydata)
    # basic plot
    # one windRose for each year
    windRose(mydata,type = "year")
    # windRose in 10 degree intervals with gridlines and width adjusted
    windRose(mydata, angle = 10, width = 0.2, grid.line = 1)
    # pollutionRose of nox
    pollutionRose(mydata, pollutant = "nox")
    ## source apportionment plot - contribution to mean
    pollutionRose(mydata, pollutant = "pm10", type = "year", statistic = "prop.mean")
    ## example of comparing 2 met sites
    ## first we will make some new ws/wd data with a postive bias
    mydata$ws2 = mydata$ws + 2 * rnorm(nrow(mydata)) + 1
    mydata$wd2 = mydata$wd + 30 * rnorm(nrow(mydata)) + 30
    ## need to correct negative wd
    id <- which(mydata$wd2 < 0)
    mydata$wd2[id] <- mydata$wd2[id] + 360
    ## results show postive bias in wd and ws
    pollutionRose(mydata, ws = "ws", wd = "wd", ws2 = "ws2", wd2 = "wd2")