RDocumentation: paste
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    if(!require('base')) {
    ## When passing a single vector, paste0 and paste work like as.character.
    paste(1:12)        # same
    as.character(1:12) # same
    ## If you pass several vectors to paste0, they are concatenated in a
    ## vectorized way.
    (nth <- paste0(1:12, c("st", "nd", "rd", rep("th", 9))))
    ## paste works the same, but separates each input with a space.
    ## Notice that the recycling rules make every input as long as the longest input.
    paste(month.abb, "is the", nth, "month of the year.")
    paste(month.abb, letters)
    ## You can change the separator by passing a sep argument
    ## which can be multiple characters.
    paste(month.abb, "is the", nth, "month of the year.", sep = "_*_")
    ## To collapse the output into a single string, pass a collapse argument.
    paste0(nth, collapse = ", ")
    ## For inputs of length 1, use the sep argument rather than collapse
    paste("1st", "2nd", "3rd", collapse = ", ") # probably not what you wanted
    paste("1st", "2nd", "3rd", sep = ", ")
    ## You can combine the sep and collapse arguments together.
    paste(month.abb, nth, sep = ": ", collapse = "; ")
    ## Using paste() in combination with strwrap() can be useful
    ## for dealing with long strings.
    (title <- paste(strwrap(
        "Stopping distance of cars (ft) vs. speed (mph) from Ezekiel (1930)",
        width = 30), collapse = "\n"))
    plot(dist ~ speed, cars, main = title)