Roland-Joseph GBODUI
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Course Notes

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# Import constant from TensorFlow
from tensorflow import constant

# Convert the credit_numpy array into a tensorflow constant
credit_constant = constant(credit_numpy)

# Print constant datatype
print('\n The datatype is:', credit_constant.dtype)

# Print constant shape
print('\n The shape is:', credit_constant.shape)

# Define the 1-dimensional variable A1
A1 = Variable([1, 2, 3, 4])

# Print the variable A1
print('\n A1: ', A1)

# Convert A1 to a numpy array and assign it to B1
B1 = A1.numpy()

# Print B1
print('\n B1: ', B1)

# Define tensors A1 and A23 as constants
A1 = constant([1, 2, 3, 4])
A23 = constant([[1, 2, 3], [1, 6, 4]])

# Define B1 and B23 to have the correct shape
B1 = ones_like(A1)
B23 = ones_like(A23)

# Perform element-wise multiplication
C1 = A1*B1
C23 = A23*B23

# Print the tensors C1 and C23
print('\n C1: {}'.format(C1.numpy()))
print('\n C23: {}'.format(C23.numpy()))

# Define features, params, and bill as constants
features = constant([[2, 24], [2, 26], [2, 57], [1, 37]])
params = constant([[1000], [150]])
bill = constant([[3913], [2682], [8617], [64400]])

# Compute billpred using features and params
billpred = matmul(features,params)

# Compute and print the error
error = bill - billpred

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