Viktor Ivanenko

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Concrete Mathic 🤖🪄

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💾 The data

Compressive strength data:
  • "cement" - Portland cement in kg/m3
  • "slag" - Blast furnace slag in kg/m3
  • "fly_ash" - Fly ash in kg/m3
  • "water" - Water in liters/m3
  • "superplasticizer" - Superplasticizer additive in kg/m3
  • "coarse_aggregate" - Coarse aggregate (gravel) in kg/m3
  • "fine_aggregate" - Fine aggregate (sand) in kg/m3
  • "age" - Age of the sample in days
  • "strength" - Concrete compressive strength in megapascals (MPa)

Acknowledgments: I-Cheng Yeh, "Modeling of strength of high-performance concrete using artificial neural networks," Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 28, No. 12, pp. 1797-1808 (1998).

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The average strength 🦾

df_avg_str_sel = df[['strength', 'age']]
df_avg_str = df_avg_str_sel.groupby('age').mean().reset_index()
df_avg_s = df_avg_str[df_avg_str['age'] == 1].append(df_avg_str[df_avg_str['age'] == 7]).append(df_avg_str[df_avg_str['age'] == 14]).append(df_avg_str[df_avg_str['age'] == 28])
display(df_avg_s.rename({'strength' : 'avg. strength'}, axis=1).set_index('age').T)

🧮 Coefficients

Let's take a short look on the dataset correlation:

df_corr = df.corr()
mask = np.zeros_like(df_corr)
mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)] = True
with sns.axes_style("white"):
    f, heatmap = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
    heatmap = sns.heatmap(df_corr, cmap="vlag", mask=mask, linewidths=1, annot=True).set(title='Correlation matrix')

We need to find the coefficients for the formula:

🤖🪄 Developing a machine learning model for find the coefficients:

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Checking 🔎

Both the models gieves nearble equal coefficients, but because the Gradient Boosting predictive acciracy is higher, we'll use its coefficients for

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