Emma Hockly

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Course Notes

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# Get some summary information on the dataset

# Get a table of marks

# Define a function to create a map
preston_map <- function(cols = c("green","red"), cex = c(1, 1), pch = c(1, 1)) {
  plotRGB(preston_osm) # from the raster package
  plot(preston_crime, cols = cols, pch = pch, cex = cex, add = TRUE, show.window = TRUE)

# Draw the map with colors, sizes and plot character
  cols = c("black", "red"), 
  cex = c(0.5, 1), 
  pch = (19, 19)

# Scan from 500m to 1000m in steps of 50m
bw_choice <- spseg(
    h = seq(500, 1000, by = 50),
    opt = 1)

# Plot the results and highlight the best bandwidth
plotcv(bw_choice); abline(v = bw_choice$hcv, lty = 2, col = "red")

# Print the best bandwidth

# Set the correct bandwidth and run for 10 simulations only
seg10 <- spseg(
    pts = preston_crime, 
    h = 800,
    opt = 3,
    ntest = 10, 
    proc = FALSE)
# Plot the segregation map for violent crime
plotmc(seg10, "Violent crime")

# Plot seg, the result of running 1000 simulations
plotmc(seg, "Violent crime")

# Inspect the structure of the spatial segregation object

# Get the number of columns in the data so we can rearrange to a grid
ncol <- length(seg$gridx)

# Rearrange the probability column into a grid
prob_violent <- list(x = seg$gridx,
                     y = seg$gridy,
                     z = matrix(seg$p[, "Violent crime"],
                                ncol = ncol))

# Rearrange the p-values, but choose a p-value threshold
p_value <- list(x = seg$gridx,
                y = seg$gridy,
                z = matrix(seg$stpvalue[, "Violent crime"] < 0.05,
                           ncol = ncol))

# Create a mapping function
segmap <- function(prob_list, pv_list, low, high){

  # background map

  # p-value areas
        col = c("#00000000", "#FF808080"), add = TRUE) 

  # probability contours
          levels = c(low, high),
          col = c("#206020", "red"),
          labels = c("Low", "High"),
          add = TRUE)

  # boundary window
  plot(Window(preston_crime), add = TRUE)

# Map the probability and p-value
segmap(prob_violent, p_value, 0.05, 0.15)

# Show the available marks

# Histogram the dates of the sightings, grouped by year
hist(marks(sasq)$date, "years", freq = TRUE)

# Plot and tabulate the calendar month of all the sightings

# Split on the month mark
sasq_by_month <- split(sasq, "month", un = TRUE)

# Plot monthly maps

# Plot smoothed versions of the above split maps

# Get a matrix of event coordinates
sasq_xy <- as.matrix(coords(sasq))

# Check the matrix has two columns

# Get a vector of event times
sasq_t <- marks(sasq)$date

# Extract a two-column matrix from the ppp object
sasq_poly <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(Window(sasq)))

# Set the time limit to 1 day before and 1 day after the range of times
tlimits <- range(sasq_t) + c(-1, 1)

# Scan over 400m intervals from 100m to 20km
s <- seq(100, 20000, by = 400)

# Scan over 14 day intervals from one week to 31 weeks
tm <- seq(7, 217, by = 14)

# Run 999 simulations 
sasq_mc <- stmctest(sasq_xy, sasq_t, sasq_poly, tlimits, s, tm, nsim = 999, quiet = TRUE)

# Histogram the simulated statistics and add a line at the data value
ggplot(data.frame(sasq_mc), aes(x = t)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 1e13) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = t0))

# Compute the p-value as the proportion of tests greater than the data
sum(sasq_mc$t > sasq_mc$t0) / 1000

#Chapter 3
# See what information we have for each borough

# Which boroughs voted to "Leave"?
london_ref$NAME[london_ref$Leave > london_ref$Remain]

# Plot a map of the percentage that voted "Remain"
spplot(london_ref, zcol = "Pct_Remain")

# Use the cartogram and rgeos packages

# Make a scatterplot of electorate vs borough area
plot(london_ref$Electorate, gArea(london_ref, byid = TRUE))

# Make a cartogram, scaling the area to the electorate
carto_ref <- cartogram(london_ref, "Electorate")

# Check the linearity of the electorate-area plot
plot(carto_ref$Electorate, gArea(carto_ref, byid = TRUE))

# Make a fairer map of the Remain percentage
spplot(carto_ref, "Pct_Remain")

# Use the spdep package

# Make neighbor list
borough_nb <- poly2nb(london_ref)

# Get center points of each borough
borough_centers <- coordinates(london_ref)

# Show the connections
plot(london_ref); plot(borough_nb, borough_centers, add = TRUE)

# Map the total pop'n
spplot(london_ref, zcol = "TOTAL_POP")

# Run a Moran I test on total pop'n

# Map % Remain
spplot(london_ref, zcol = "Pct_Remain")

# Run a Moran I MC test on % Remain
  nsim = 999

# Get a summary of the data set

# Map the OBServed number of flu reports
spplot(london, "Flu_OBS")

# Compute and print the overall incidence of flu
r <- sum(london$Flu_OBS) / sum(london$TOTAL_POP)

# Calculate the expected number for each borough
london$Flu_EXP <- london$TOTAL_POP * r

# Calculate the ratio of OBServed to EXPected
london$Flu_SMR <- london$Flu_OBS / london$Flu_EXP

# Map the SMR
spplot(london, "Flu_SMR")

# For the binomial statistics function

# Get CI from binomial distribution
flu_ci <- binom.exact(london$Flu_OBS, london$TOTAL_POP)

# Add borough names
flu_ci$NAME <- london$NAME

# Calculate London rate, then compute SMR
r <- sum(london$Flu_OBS) / sum(london$TOTAL_POP)
flu_ci$SMR <- flu_ci$proportion / r

# Subset the high SMR data
flu_high <- flu_ci[flu_ci$SMR > 1, ]

# Plot estimates with CIs
ggplot(flu_high, aes(x = NAME, y = proportion / r,
                     ymin = lower / r, ymax = upper / r)) +
  geom_pointrange() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))

# Fit a poisson GLM.
model_flu <- glm(
  Flu_OBS ~ HealthDeprivation, 
  offset = log(TOTAL_POP), 
  data = london, 
  family = poisson)

# Is HealthDeprivation significant?

# Put residuals into the spatial data.
london$Flu_Resid <- residuals(model_flu)

# Map the residuals using spplot
spplot(london, "Flu_Resid")

# Use R2BayesX

# Fit a GLM
model_flu <- glm(Flu_OBS ~ HealthDeprivation, offset = log(TOTAL_POP),
                data = london, family = poisson)
# Summarize it                    

# Calculate coeff confidence intervals

# Fit a Bayesian GLM
bayes_flu <- bayesx(Flu_OBS ~ HealthDeprivation, offset = log(london$TOTAL_POP), 
                    family = "poisson", data = data.frame(london), 
                    control = bayesx.control(seed = 17610407))
# Summarize it                    

# Look at the samples from the Bayesian model

# Compute adjacency objects
borough_nb <- poly2nb(london)
borough_gra <- nb2gra(borough_nb)

# Fit spatial model
flu_spatial <- bayesx(
  Flu_OBS ~ HealthDeprivation + sx(i, bs = "spatial", map = borough_gra),
  offset = log(london$TOTAL_POP),
  family = "poisson", data = data.frame(london), 
  control = bayesx.control(seed = 17610407)

# Summarize the model

# Summarize the model

# Map the fitted spatial term only
london$spatial <- fitted(flu_spatial, term = "sx(i):mrf")[, "Mean"]
spplot(london, zcol = "spatial")

# Map the residuals
london$spatial_resid <- residuals(flu_spatial)[, "mu"]
spplot(london, zcol = "spatial_resid")

# Test residuals for spatial correlation
moran.mc(london$spatial_resid, nb2listw(borough_nb), 999)

The london data set has been loaded.

The R2BayesX package provides an interface to the BayesX code. Fit the GLM for flu as before. Show its summary… and the confidence intervals of its coefficients, using confint() Check the model coefficients and standard errors for significance. The syntax for bayesx() is similar, but the offset has to be specified explicitly from the data frame, the family name is in quotes, and the spatial data frame needs to be turned into a plain data frame. Run the model fitting and inspect with summary(). Plot the samples from the Bayesian model. On the left is the "trace" of samples in sequential order, and on the right is the parameter density. For this model there is an intercept and a slope for the Health Deprivation score. The parameter density should correspond with the parameter summary. Adding a spatially autocorrelated effect

You've fitted a non-spatial GLM with BayesX. You can include a spatially correlated term based on the adjacency structure by adding a term to the formula specifying a spatially correlated model. Instructions 100 XP

The spatial data object, london is already loaded.

Use poly2nb() to compute the neighborhood structure of london to an nb object. R2BayesX uses its own objects for the adjacency. Convert the nb object to a gra object. The sx function specifies additional terms to bayesx. Create a term using the "spatial" basis and the gra object for the boroughs to define the map. Print a summary of the model object. You should see a table of coefficients for the parametric part of the model as in the previous exercise, and then a table of "Smooth terms variance" with one row for the spatial term. Note that since BayesX can fit many different forms in its sx terms, most of which, like the spatial model here, cannot be simply expressed with a parameter or two. This table shows the variance of the random effects - for further explanation consult a text on random effects modeling.

Mapping the spatial effects

As with glm, you can get the fitted values and residuals from your model using the fitted and residuals functions. bayesx models are a bit more complex, since you have the linear predictor and terms from sx elements, such as the spatially correlated term.

The summary function will show you information for the linear model terms and the smoothing terms in two separate tables. The spatial term is called "sx(i):mrf" - standing for "Markov Random Field".

Bayesian analysis returns samples from a distribution for our S(x) term at each of the London boroughs. The fitted function from bayesx models returns summary statistics for each borough. You'll just look at the mean of that distribution for now. Instructions 100 XP

The model from the BayesX output is available as flu_spatial.

Get a summary of the model and see where the parameter information is. Does the Health Deprivation parameter look significant? Add a column named spatial to london with the mean of the distribution of the fitted spatial term, and map this. Add another column, named spatial_resid, with the residuals. Use the "mu" column from residuals, as this is based on the rate rather than the number of cases, so can be compared across areas with different populations. Plot a map of spatial_resid using spplot(). Run a Moran statistic Monte-Carlo test on the residuals - do they show spatial correlation? Call moran.mc(), passing the residual vector as the first argument.
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