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Course Notes: Intermediate Network Analysis in Python
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    Course Notes

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    Add the degree centrality score of each node to their metadata dictionary

    dcs = nx.degree_centrality(G) for n in G.nodes(): G.nodes[n]['centrality'] = dcs[n]

    # Create the CircosPlot object: c
    c = CircosPlot(G, node_color='bipartite', node_grouping='bipartite', node_order='centrality')
    # Draw c to the screen
    # Display the plot

    # Define get_nodes_from_partition()
    def get_nodes_from_partition(G, partition):
        # Initialize an empty list for nodes to be returned
        nodes = []
        # Iterate over each node in the graph G
        for n in G.nodes(data=False):
            # Check that the node belongs to the particular partition
            if G.nodes[n]['bipartite'] == partition:
                # If so, append it to the list of nodes
        return nodes
    # Print the number of nodes in the 'projects' partition
    print(len(get_nodes_from_partition(G, 'projects')))
    # Print the number of nodes in the 'users' partition
    print(len(get_nodes_from_partition(G, 'users')))
    # Import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Get the 'users' nodes: user_nodes
    user_nodes = get_nodes_from_partition(G, 'users')
    # Compute the degree centralities: dcs
    dcs = nx.degree_centrality(G)
    # Get the degree centralities for user_nodes: user_dcs
    user_dcs = [dcs[n] for n in user_nodes]
    # Plot the degree distribution of users_dcs
    plt.hist(user_dcs, bins=20)

    # Get the 'projects' nodes: project_nodes
    project_nodes = get_nodes_from_partition(G, 'projects')
    # Compute the degree centralities: dcs
    dcs = nx.degree_centrality(G)
    # Get the degree centralities for project_nodes: project_dcs
    project_dcs = [dcs[n] for n in project_nodes]
    # Plot the degree distribution of project_dcs
    plt.hist(project_dcs, bins=20)

    def shared_partition_nodes(G, node1, node2):
        # Check that the nodes belong to the same partition
        assert G.nodes[node1]['bipartite'] == G.nodes[node2]['bipartite']
        # Get neighbors of node 1: nbrs1
        nbrs1 = G.neighbors(node1)
        # Get neighbors of node 2: nbrs2
        nbrs2 = G.neighbors(node2)
        # Compute the overlap using set intersections
        overlap = set(nbrs1).intersection(nbrs2)
        return overlap
    # Print the number of shared repositories between users 'u7909' and 'u2148'
    print(len(shared_partition_nodes(G, 'u7909', 'u2148')))
    def user_similarity(G, user1, user2, proj_nodes):
        # Check that the nodes belong to the 'users' partition
        assert G.nodes[user1]['bipartite'] == 'users'
        assert G.nodes[user2]['bipartite'] == 'users'
        # Get the set of nodes shared between the two users
        shared_nodes = shared_partition_nodes(G, user1, user2)
        # Return the fraction of nodes in the projects partition
        return len(shared_nodes) / len(proj_nodes)
    # Compute the similarity score between users 'u4560' and 'u1880'
    project_nodes = get_nodes_from_partition(G, 'projects')
    similarity_score = user_similarity(G, 'u4560', 'u1880', project_nodes)